Determining the Ethos of an Online Brand Mascot

Ask Jeeves,

Intelligence: The symbol of the butler endures over time, enhanced by the popular series of Batman films of 1989 to 1997 (in which Alfred the butler provides all the tools, information, and costumes for the caped crusader), and has reappeared in Batman-style communication advertisements in 2000. With butlers known by definition to be problem solvers, Jeeves' competence is immediately established. His cool, omniscient facial expression and posture invites the visitor to test his expertise. While no credentials are provided in depth for Jeeves, his name recognition through advertising and masterful graphical appearance elevates his authority as a person who can find exactly what it is you're looking for.

Character: Just as the butler's image as a problem-solver remains intact, so does the impression that butlers can be a father figure to those they serve. Historically speaking, the butler (as an occupation) has a rich tradition, and this tradition represents an older, more ethical and honest generation. After all, Jeeves, as a butler, is your employee and gives you an honest answer when need be. Although the image of the butler here is derived from Western European tradition, the concept of the servant is consistent in almost any culture, making Jeeves' gesture of servitude an easily acceptable cross-culture icon. Jeeves' superior likability stems from his willingness to dress appropriately for the kids; on the kids section of the site, Jeeves changes from the austere coat and vest into an adventuresome outdoorsman with a pith helmet, of all things.

Goodwill: The site is a commercial endeavor, so in the end, Jeeves is still a promotional tool. And yet, the average visitor might not think of him as such. In the end, however, the visitor can use Jeeves to find exactly what he or she is looking for without being pressured to purchase anything. One of the most important aspects of the Jeeves character is the sense of empathy and understanding because he learns from your questions. People can read what other visitors are asking him, so the visitor can sense that he knows what you might be thinking. Then again, let it be known that he might reveal your questions to other people! Jeeves is also a responsive character, appearing on every single page of the site. Also take note of the fact that he always is facing the center of the page, connecting the visitor with the bulk of content being provided. You'll never catch him daydreaming.

Jeeves is one of the very best examples of how a mascot can be used to gain a web site the notoriety and return use that it seeks. The mascot is bright, likable, and responsive.

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Site created 11/27/99, last updated 5/14/00. All textual content published under the supervision of the Department of Speech Communication at The University of Washington, Seattle, and hosted by Filmtracks Publications of Missoula, Montana. All artwork is protected by the Copyright © 2000, of the site(s) it represents. Its appearance on this report is for informational, non-profit use, and may not be redistributed without their expressed written consent. Direct all questions or comments about these pages to Christian Clemmensen.