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Interesting orchestral solutions,worth trying Posted by: Sheridan <Send E-Mail> Date: Sunday, August 20, 2006, at 5:43 a.m.
IP Address: 3e70dd3b.adsl.enternet.hu
There are three types of music contained by it:one type is haunting,dark and
suspenseful to illustrate the troubles of the Republic and the evil forces and menacing things lurking all across the Galaxy,other is a heart-breakingly sad and suspenseful theme to reflect to the love of Anakin and Padmé,which can' t be,because Jedis are destined to be virgins,and married life and lovemaking are not allowed for them,and the downright anger and sorrow felt by Anakin because of it(sorry about being so naturalist).The last type of tracks are colourful, bombastic and powerful action tracks.During the score,the three types of tracks are combined as well.Brass-dominated and string-driven score with some percussion and some electronic guitar sounds.I think its orchestrations are even more complex than the orchestrations of other SW scores.This score is worth trying.