Please read
Filmtracks' December 2018 financial status update.
Since 2009, Filmtracks has relied upon donations from its visitors to help pay for its basic expenses, most of which comprised of server
and other necessary operational costs. Like many journalistic sites that opt not to use a "pay wall," revenue from traditional means of
advertisements and commissions has diminished or disappeared in the 2010's. Given the small market for film music, the revenue options for
a free content site like Filmtracks have always remained slim compared to other music genres.
Support from visitors has helped sustain Filmtracks as it has cut its costs to a fraction of their previous levels, including a less
expensive server that is not as responsive but keeps the site alive. Donations that exceed the site's basic costs are placed into the fund
used to purchase specialty releases of soundtracks that are not provided in promotional form for review. As the supply of promotional items
has decreased in the 2010's, more of the titles you see reviewed at Filmtracks must be purchased by the site for coverage.
As always, your donations continue to be greatly appreciated. The link at the upper right of this page leads to a PayPal donation form that
you can use to send any amount of money you choose to Filmtracks, regardless of whether you have a PayPal account or not. That service
takes $0.30 and 2%-4% for their own costs out of the donated amount if you use a credit or debit card. (PayPal balance or bank transfers
have no fee.) If you wish to support Filmtracks through gift certificates or other means, please contact the site through the Filmtracks'
contact page.
Above (and on the Scoreboard) is a chart of the last 15 months of donation
activity, updated daily and rounded to the nearest $5. The bars max out at their
highest point when $150 is donated in each month. As a service to its loyal
readers, Filmtracks will not employ obnoxious advertisements such a pop-unders,
excessive keyword ads dividing the review paragraphs, landing pages, or any other
irritations that especially newspapers are using today. Your donations have made
that choice possible, and it is my hope that they will continue to do so in the future.
Thanks again to all!
- Christian Clemmensen, Filmtracks owner and editor